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why dont you make vomit ?

Because I don't like it? Each to their own, but that's not for me

Do a vote ?

Why would I allow a vote for content I don't want to make? I don't want to make vomit content, that's the end of the conversation

wht mean by Delux?

can you add the deluxe for free here i need to see it but im broke 

Deleted post

You click on the download button and it should give you prompts on how to download it to your PC. If you're on mobile, I'm not sure how downloading a HTML5 file would work, though. 

If you mean the Deluxe stuff, once you've paid $2 you should get a link or a download page with all the files available.

can you bring any deluxes that are from long ago onto itchio, if you can?

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Who knew that TMs could work on humans?

Been wanting to say that for a few days.

Nice. Also can you do doki doki expansion

(1 edit)

The deluxe is by far the biggest belly I've ever seen from you. Good job  with it though. It looks amazing

thats a good one :D
