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how does this candle work? I just already see it in different games, can you tell me how it works in more detail?

are there limits to grouth


I love the way you have her grow... How her face contorts to discomfort when she's expanding, how her body trembles under the sheer force (and discomfort) of growing, and lastly how the growing just pulses outward! As a connoisseur of growth, this game gets a 10 out of 10! Simple gameplay, but the rewarded animations, sounds effects and art style make up for everything else by a landslide. I've enjoyed this and have been craving for something like this for a long time, if this goes well, you could be a pioneer for these kinds of games!

I cannot wait for part 2! Consider me a new fan of your games!


Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!


With great power, comes great need for self restraint... of course, if that's not going to happen we can all sit back and enjoy the view ;)

Loving P1. Took me a moment to figure out what I was doing, but the new 'mobile' nature of the character is a welcome change and I love how you slow down with your size... if for no other reason that we can mess with it using sliders to speed up if we're impatient XD

The detail of her looking where your mouse is was a great touch! Fantastic work!

I would have liked some kind of 'ending' for P1 to tie it up once you were 'done', but that's just another 'want more' request on what is already a great addition haha!

Glad you enjoyed it!

Yeah, I had planned an ending scene, but I had already taken two weeks just to make what you see in part 1, and I couldn't bear making people wait any longer so I shifted the "ending" of part 1 to the beginning of part 2. It hurt me a lot more than it hurt anyone else to do that, trust me. >_> Maybe I'll swap that content onto part 1, see if it affects lag in anyway...

I'm still figuring out a lot of things with sliders / interaction, but hopefully part 2 will make up for how short part 1. It might not be as interactive, but there will definitely be more scenes! :)

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